
Terms and Conditions

The contract is subject to the following conditions:

1 Confirmation deposit

Upon conclusion of the contract, the Customer is required to pay 100% of the cost total of services confirmed as a deposit.

2 Customer default

In case of withdrawal from the contract by the Customer, or in case of no-show without notice, the B&B will retain the amount paid as a deposit, without prejudice to the greater damage, the demonstration of which is the responsibility of the Manager.

3 Failure of the B&B

In the event that the B&B is unable to provide confirmed accommodation services, the Company must return the deposit received, if the Customer does not agree to be relocated to a neighbouring accommodation of the same or higher category. In case of placement, the costs for the transfer to another structure and any difference in the price of the same are borne by the Accommodation Manager who was unable to provide the confirmed services.

4 Time of arrival and departure

The room or apartment is made available to the customer from 15:00 on the day of arrival, and must be vacated by the customer no later than 11:00 on the day of departure.

5 Respect for services according to classification

The Company guarantees services suitable for classification.

6 Early departure of the customer

Upon departure, the Customer will be required to pay the balance for the entire period initially agreed, if different and subsequent agreements have not occurred, therefore also for

the part of the stay not enjoyed for reasons not attributable to the Manager.
Pursuant to art. 1587 c.c. the Guest must take delivery of the thing and observe the good father’s diligence in using it for the use determined in the contract.

7  Dispute settlement clause

All disputes arising from this contract will be referred to the Brindisi Chamber of Commerce and resolved according to the Conciliation Rules adopted by the same.

If the Parties intend to appeal to the ordinary judicial Authority, the competent Court is that of the place of residence or elected domicile of the Consumer, mandatory pursuant to art. 33, paragraph 2, lett. u) of Legislative Decree 206/2005.

Although not expressly agreed, this contract is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code on contracts in general.

Pursuant to the Privacy Code, we inform you that the processing of your personal data will also be carried out by computer means for the sole purpose of executing this contract.

8 Dispute settlement clause
All disputes arising from this contract will be referred to the Brindisi Chamber of Commerce and resolved according to the Conciliation Rules adopted by the same.

9 Failure of the B&B
In the event that the B&B is unable to provide confirmed accommodation services, the Company must return the deposit received, if the Customer does not agree to be relocated to a neighbouring accommodation of the same or higher category.

For the Italian version of the T&C’s click on the button below.